Vania Gomez
Dec 6, 2017
I am a real romantic at heart, I love to watch historic drama movies /series. And I can get lost in beautiful love stories.
I used to work in a flower shop for ten years, and I loved every minute of it. Flowers always make me so happy.
I am a night owl, I create my best work at night, and I love to sleep throughout the morning.
I have lived in Spain for two years where I worked in an animation team.
I love to dance, dancing always makes me so happy and I dance twice a week at my local gym.
I am originally from Holland, and I've been living in the UK for six years and I love it here.
I have a love for vintage teacups,
lace and floral dresses. I love everything from the Marie Antionette and Jane Austen Era.
Blush pink is my favorite color and I love florals in beautiful pastels.
Fashion, Home, Family, Holidays and Beauty inspiration. You can catch up with all Vania’s recent blogposts throughout the years here in our Archive. Happy Browsing!